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Foster a Pet, Save a Life

Anne Arundel County Animal Control is looking for foster parents! Not ready to commit to owning a pet for the next 10-15 years? Maybe you can help by committing to a pet for 2 weeks, 3 weeks, a few months or longer.

Animal Control houses thousands of animals each year and not all of them thrive in a shelter environment. Animal Control houses abuse cases, receives underage animals with or without their mothers and may receive other animals with needs greater than the shelter can handle. In cases such as this, they reach out to their foster parents to see if they can help with the animal(s) in need.

Foster parents for Animal Control are responsible for providing food, bedding, housing and most veterinary care for their foster(s). Costs associated with fostering are tax-deductible and the emotional reward of helping an animal in need is priceless.